Birds are beautiful creatures. The sparrow, pigeons, starling, swifts, blue tits, and many others are the common birds that sit on the residential roofs. Sometimes, they also build nests in the shady areas. Mostly, pigeons nesting under solar panels. The reason that birds under solar panels make their nests is that they see debris material under solar panels. Pigeon nesting under solar panel because they considered this debris as material for making their nests. The stop the birds under solar panel cover all the shady areas with cardboard.
Bird lice treatment:
An issue that people have to face related to birds is bird lice. The bird lice is a parasite that lives on the bird’s wing and feather and sucks the blood for their food. It causes itching on the bird’s body and the birds become restless. Bird lice treatment is very important in this regard. The bird’s lice complete their life cycle on the bird’s blood. These are present in the bird’s body and near their nests. If they are abundant in number, they can also infect the man. For the bird lice treatment, insecticides spray, and the registered pest controller is requisite.
Bird mitigation devices:
Bird mitigation devices are installed to protect gardens and cloisters. The birds mostly like to eat new developing seeds of the plants. In this manner, they can destroy your developing garden and convert them even into barren land. To ward off this situation, bird mitigation devices are introduced by the technician. Technical bird mitigation devices include stainless steel bird spike kit, scare owl, and bird repellent scare tape.
Stainless steel bird spike kit:
The stainless steel bird spikes cover up the ten feet area. Its installation is simple and once these are installed, there is no need for maintenance. This bird mitigation device prevents the birds from roosting. It is harmless for the bids themselves and incredibly useful for you.
Scare Owl:
The scaring owl is the new name for the crow bird. The height of the scare owl is about 16 inches. This bird mitigation device is also harmless for the birds. Moreover, the locus of the scare owl in the garden does not give an untidy look. This bird mitigation device is not as useful as the scare owl can lose its effectiveness due to the weather conditions.
Bird repellent scare tape:
Other bird mitigation devices include bird repellent scare tape. This tape has a design of a bright diamond that reflects the light in sunlight. Moreover, blowing wind gives a rustling sound. It prevents the birds from landing. They are wrapped around the branches, railing, fences, and whenever that you want to preserve from the birds. For more information please visit our website